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Astrocartography - what can it do

By traveling to other countries, cities or even neighborhoods, we can find places where we feel particularly good, or places that are difficult for us. Sometimes you can experiment to find your favorite places, but there are situations when decisions about where to live result in radical changes, e.g. when choosing the university where you will study, when looking for a job in other cities, or even countries. Is there a way to predict how we will find ourselves in a new place?

World map in space


Astrocartography is a field of astrology that specializes in reading how different places on Earth influence individual people. Using astrocartographic techniques, it is possible to determine which cities, countries or directions of the world are favorable, which bring challenges, and which are a mixture of positive and negative potentials.
For each of us, there is a place in the world where: it is easiest to learn, it is easier to shine and gain fame, you earn more, you rest easier, and inspiration comes by itself. Each of these places may be in a different part of the world, but they may also be close to each other. It is possible to find them based on your individual birth horoscope.
Even if we do not plan to move or travel, surrounding ourselves with objects related to a specific place, the culture of a given country, or an interest in cuisine from a specific region of the world, can bring the energy of a distant, favorable place into our lives and add something positive to everyday life. Nowadays, when the world has become a global village, it is easy to establish contact with people from distant places, buy items from local producers on the other side of the world, or learn about works of art, books and films created in other countries. The same goes for people found on the Internet, they can bring new qualities to our lives with the energy of the place where they physically reside.
If you want to find out: where your private places of power are, what place on earth to choose for yourself, where to go on vacation, or from where you can import happiness into your life, consider an astrological consultation with an astrologer using astrocartographic techniques. In my offer, astrocartography is available as a separate mini consultation, but when booking another type of consultation, you can also indicate that you are interested in a general astrocartographic review, and we will also talk about your places of power, although then there will be less time left for the main topic of the consultation.
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